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    2023.12至今 西安理工大学 以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc 副教授

    2021.06-2022.01 陕西省发展改革委员会 高技术发展处 干部

    2021.07至今 西安理工大学 控制科学与工程博士后流动站 博士后

    2021.01-2023.12 西安理工大学 以诚为本赢在信誉9001cc 讲师

    2019.03-2020.04 澳大利亚阿德莱德大学 电气与电子工程学院 联合培养博士生

    2018.11-2019.03 新加坡国立大学 电气工程和计算机学部 联合培养博士生

    2016.09-2020.09 南京航空航天大学 我院 博士







    1. 本科生课程:《离散数学》、《专业英语》,辅助讲授《自动控制理论》

    2. 研究生课程:《非线性控制系统》


      先后主持国家自然科学基金青年科学项目、陕西省秦创原引用高层次创新创业人才项目、中国博士后科学基金会特别资助(站中)项目、中国博士后科学基金面上项目、国家留学基金项目、陕西省重点研发计划项目、陕西省科学研究计划重点项目。发表学术论文近50篇,其中第一作者、通讯作者和第二作者论文35篇,top期刊12篇,中科院二区以上25篇。在Web of Science数据库中引用700余次,所有SCI期刊影响因子总和为137.6。有4篇论文被ESI检索为高被引论文,2篇论文为领域热点论文,1篇获得2021年第五届全国集群智能与协同控制大会最佳论文奖。参与国家自然科学基金委的国家重大仪器研发项目、重点项目等共4项。完成成果转化3项,金额14万元。申请发明专利22项。发布国家行业标准2项。获得2022年陕西省企业三新三小创新竞赛项目优胜奖。带领研究生参加2023华为杯第五届中国研究生人工智能创新大赛,并获得国家二等奖、华为专项奖二等奖。



      (2).陕西省秦创原引用高层次创新创业人才项目, QCYRCXM-2022-329, 三北防护林专用无人机机械臂协作控制技术,2023/01-2025/12






      [1] Yankai Li, Mou Chen, Tao Li, Huijiao Wang. Robust resilient control based on multi -approximator for the uncertain turbofan system with unmeasured states and disturbances. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 50 (10), 6040-6049, 2021. (SCI), 中科院1, top期刊,高被引论文。

      [2] Yankai Li, Mou Chen, Peng Shi, Tao Li. Stochastic anti-disturbance flight control for helicopter systems with switching disturbances under Markovian parameters. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 59(3), 2933-2946, 2023. (SCI), 中科院1, top期刊,高被引论文,热点论文;

      [3] Haibin Sun, Yankai Li, Guangdeng Zong, Linlin Hou. Disturbance attenuation and rejection for stochastic Markovian jump system with partially known transition probabilities. Automatica, 89, 349-357,2018. (SCI), 中科院1, top期刊,高被引论文。

      [4] Guangdeng Zong, Yankai Li, Haibin Sun. Composite anti-disturbance resilient control for Markovian jump nonlinear systems with general uncertain transition rate. Science China Information Sciences, 62(2), 22205, 2019. (SCI), 中科院2区,高被引论文,热点论文。

      [5] Yankai Li, Mou Chen, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Dongyu Li. Anti-disturbance control for attitude and altitude systems of the helicopter under random disturbances. Aerospace Science and Technology, 96, 105561, 2020. (SCI), 中科院1, top 期刊;

      [6] Yankai Li, Mou Chen, Tao Li, Peng Shi. Anti-disturbance reference mode resilient dynamic output feedback control for turbofan systems. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 378, 125183, 2020. (SCI), 中科院1, top期刊;

      [7] Yankai Li, Dongping Li, Yi Jiang and Xiaozhou Feng. Solvability for the ψ-Caputo-type fractional differential system with the generalized p-Laplacian operator. Fractal and fractional, 7(6), 450, 2023. (SCI), 中科院1区;

      [8] Yankai Li, Mou Chen, Liang Cai, Qingxian Wu. Resilient control based on disturbance observer for nonlinear singular stochastic hybrid system with partly unknown Markovian jump parameters. Journal of The Franklin Institute, 2018, 355 (5), 2243-2265. (SCI), 中科院1, top期刊;

      [9] Yankai Li, Dongping Li, Bojun Liu, Yingmin Yi, Qingyu Wang. Output feedback control for linear systems under measurement disturbances. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 70(6), 2067-2071, 2023. (SCI), 中科院2, top期刊;

      [10] Yankai Li, Ding Liu, Dongping Li, Qingyu Wang, Chen Chen. Multisource disturbances rejection control for linear systems with unmeasured states under process and measurement disturbances. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 106737, 2024. (SCI), 中科院2

      [11] Yankai Li, Haibin Sun, Guangdeng Zong, Linlin Hou. Composite anti-disturbance resilient control for Markovian jump nonlinear systems with partly unknown transition probabilities and multiple disturbances. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2017, 27 (14), 2323-2337. (SCI), 中科院1, top期刊;

      [12] Yankai Li, Yulong Huang, Han Liu, Dongping Li. Full state constrained flight tracking control for helicopter systems with disturbances. Aerospace, 10(5), 471, 2023. (SCI). 中科院2区;

      [13] Yankai Li, Haibin Sun, Guangdeng Zong. Anti-disturbance control for time-varying delay Markovian jump nonlinear systems with multiple disturbances. International Journal of Systems Science, 2017, 48 (15), 3186-3200. (SCI), 中科院2区;

      [14] Yankai Li, Haibin Sun, Guangdeng Zong, Linlin Hou. Composite adaptive anti- disturbance resilient control for Markovian jump systems with partly known transition rate and multiple disturbances. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 2017, 31 (7), 1077-1097. (SCI), 中科院2区;

      [15] Mou Chen, Yankai Li. Model reference resilient control for the helicopter with time- varying disturbance. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 29 (15), 5095-5117, 2019. (SCI), 中科院1, top期刊


      中国指挥与控制学会青年工作委员会委员、IEEE会员等。担任《IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics》,《Automatica,IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man,and Cybernetics: Systems》等数10家国际SCI期刊审稿人。
